This section explains how to set up your buy sniper to take super early positions on tokens that you filter by name, ticker or creator (minter).
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This section explains how to set up your buy sniper to take super early positions on tokens that you filter by name, ticker or creator (minter).
Last updated
To snipe a token, you need to click on "Sniping" on starting menu or type /sniping in bot chat.
The bot will display the sniper settings :
By default, the sniper mode is turned off.
To use it, enter the amount you want to purchase for each detection in the amount section, your priority fees, and your slippage. Since your buy settings are good, you have to adjust your targets.
Targets are the triggers for the sniper to execute a purchase, you can multiples mint name for example and the sniper will snipe every token that have a name included in your list.
Targets are additive, meaning if a token has at least one matching parameter (developer wallet, mint name, ticker), it will buy the token.
Targets criteria are :
Dev Wallet: Focus on tokens deployed by specific addresses.
Mint Name: Target tokens by their mint names.
Mint Ticker: Select tokens based on their ticker.
➡️ The transactions fees used by the sniper are the transaction fees in your bot settings. Be sure to have at least a medium transaction fees configuration in your /settings.
When you don't add any targets, the sniper snipes every token created without specific filtration. Be sure to use this reasonably.